Research Wageningen

The research programme and its professorships focuses on (future) professionals who are able to excel in their professional environments, in order to facilitate the durable improvement in quality of their own actions and collective actions. Professionalism and expertise on learning and development form the foundations for the lifelong development of one's ideas and capacity in relation and balance with their environment (ecology) (eco-wisdom).

Ecological and transdisciplinary research for increasing your learning power

With Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen's practice-oriented research, we wish to contribute to a more sustainable world by promoting durable learning and development of professionals and organizations in vocational education and industry. These professionals work in different fields (healthcare, agriculture, education, engineering, government, medicine), at different levels (individual, team, organization, network), and in different roles (coaching, consultancy, teaching, research).

Our research concentrates on practice-oriented research that enhances professionals’ (in training) wisdom in the areas of learning and development, and thereby helps to enhance the learning capacity of those professionals and of organizations. Eventually, it all comes down to the responsivity of, and eco-thinking in, learning and development concerning the needs of life, work, society and nature which is vital for the transitions persons has to deal with. We do this in co-construction and co-creation with professional practice, researchers and practitioners.
