Aeres University of Applied Sciences, Dronten, students, international studies

Let's stay connected!

We live in an interconnected world. Distance has become a relative term - the world is only one click away.

To see how big the global network of international alumni of Aeres University of Applied Sciences / CAH Vilentum / CAH Dronten is, pin your place of birth (pink pin) and your current place of residence (green pin). Let´s connect and don´t forget to stay in touch through our LinkedIn Alumni groep.

To drop the pin:

  1. Click on the map and then login using your Google account.
  2. The map will appear again. In the top left corner click “edit”. 
  3. In the search bar type in the place (city) which is your current place of residence. Automatically a pin will be dropped at this location. But you still have to confirm it by clicking on “add to map”. Then a new box will appear with several tools. Click on the pencil “edit”. Now you can assign a new name to this pin. Instead of the city name which is done automatically, you should change it to the name of the program you followed in Dronten including the study year (e.g. International Food Chain Management 2008-2009). Type this in the bar where the city name appeared in the first place and click “save”.
  4. After clicking “save” you will see the same box as in step 4 – now choose a paint can “style” to assign the correct color to your pin: green pin is your current place of residence and pink pin is your place of birth.
  5. Repeat steps 3-6 also for your place of birth (even if it is the same place as your current place of residence).
  6. Smile, take a look at the map and do not forget to log out!


To keep in touch and keep you updated about the developments at the University, we have a newsletter. It should reach you 3-4 times a year. In every newsletter you can expect news from Dronten/Almere and a story of one of our alumni along with other interesting information. Read our previous newsletters here: