Circular business and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Circular business and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

5 months
Education type
Exchange programme
Field of interest
Field of interest

The study programme

What do you think? Do circularity and business go together? Our answer is that somehow they will have to, as climate change, primary raw materials shortages, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution compel us to make the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy. Companies and other organizations need people like you, who are passionate about circularity, to create circular business models for them. Our Circular Business and Sustainable Entrepreneurship minor will teach you how to bring circularity and business together.

Admission requirements

This is how you get admitted

  • Do you have any questions about admission?

    Please contact our International Office by sending an email to

Practical matters

What you need to know...

  • Application
    • Programme duration: 1 September –31 January
    • Application is open as of 1 October
    • Application deadline: 1 May

    The International Office will inform you via email about the application procedure as soon as your home university or university of applied sciences has informed us that you have been nominated for an exchange programme.

  • Fees and funding

    When you're going to study abroad, it's good to know what to expect finanicially. Here you can find information about tuition fees and other (study) costs.

  • Other practical matters

    Here you can find more information about:

Get to know

A student’s perspective

Fruit in store, apples and bananas
Arable farming students from Aeres University of Applied Sciences in greenhouse with capsicum
Programme content

This is what you will learn

This programme consist of 1 minor of 30 ECTS with 4 submodules.

  • Internship
  • Group project
  • LCA and Value Chain
  • Circular economy