binnen zitje rode wand

Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere is a relatively new university. We have our own site in the heart of Almere. Maybe not the first spot you would expect to find a ‘green’ UAS faculty, and yet a very logical one. More and more people live in cities and more and more issues deal with cities. You cannot address such issues in the country. Our faculty seeks to be involved in new developments, and so, Almere is the place to be.

Discovery roof

On the roof of our building, we have our own green discovery roof. Besides being a spot for a break outside, it is also the place where practice facilities come together for UAS education and research in the fields of sustainability, energy and food production. An amazing opportunity for taking the greening of the city into your own hands.

rooftop almere honeybee
dakterras zonder studenten weerwater
binnen studenten tribunetrap


A laboratory will be vital to your biology studies, seeing that you will be doing practicals during the lessons and your own research. Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere has a large laboratory in which you will be able to carry out most of the biological research at UAS level.

Besides standard laboratory apparatus, such as microscopes, precision scales, microscope preparations and a microcentrifuge, we also have more advanced apparatus, such as:

  • A PCR machine for DNA analysis
  • Laminar flow cabinets for carrying out sterile activities
  • Apparatus for analyzing water quality with
  • Cell culture rooms

Biologists very often work with plants and plant matter. A special place is needed to make cultures or do research. Aeres University of Applied Sciences has an indoor cell culture room where we do our plant experiments. In our cell culture rooms, we have ebb and flow tables, assimilation lighting and a watering system. Also, we use insect cages for making cell cultures and for carrying out experiments with (flying) insects.


laboratory almere
plant research
plant research

Multimedia library

The multimedia library facility for books and magazines of the Almere faculty is still being formed. Apart from books and magazines, there are subscriptions to digital (scientific) databanks, that can be accessed from the Aeres University of Applied Sciences intranet page. You can also use the entire collection of the Greeni catalogue in which several green UASs have brought together their collections. The multimedia library is run by our faculty in Dronten. If you have any questions about the collection or the use of the multimedia library, just send an email to: